New level of AIMA madness, first spotted by @pichki.k here.
Skimming through one of the original sources (Notícias ao Minuto), people are rightly thinking it might be an internet scam, but seems real., 9-May 2024
At issue is a news item reported today by Antena 1 which reports that immigrants with regularization processes pending at AIMA are receiving messages indicating that from now on it will be mandatory to pay fees before being served at the agency’s counters, in an amount that has increased from 90 to 400 euros and which must be paid within ten days, under penalty of seeing their regularization processes canceled.
AIMA pede a imigrantes 400 euros em 10 dias. Governo promete "resposta", 9-May 2024
An official source from the office of the Minister of the Presidency indicated that it had become aware of the measure this Thursday, having highlighted that the Government will present a “different response”, which will integrate the action plan that the Executive is preparing.
…According to the entity, this procedure was based on a “regulatory decree (no. 1/2024) of January 17, 2024, approved by the previous Government, and which ordered new fees to be applied to the processes then pending”.
As usual the talk here is of the hundreds of thousands who came to work in Portugal, and now are looking to become regularised. How this might apply to GVs, nobody but us seems to think about.