Awaiting Biometrics (Stage 3)

Since you (and Roger B) were notified of pre-approval โ€“ the application is in the SEF system. SEF notification to lawyers has been mentioned as the โ€œnormโ€. However, even if an email has not been sent or received (or has been sent and missed) can your lawyers open the calendar to check whether appointments can be booked - as suggested by Tommy?? A recent post (related to pre-approvals) pointed out that no notification occurred (SEF processing time for initial application? - #55 by CTC ) but the calendar became active- ie opened up. Is the calendar live? You need to ask the lawyers to check this, if you cannot do this directly.
I hope, or would prefer to believe, that SEF are now trying everything they can to undo the harm already caused, but in your cases escalation seems necessary to bring it to their attention. Trying to contact SEF either via email/telephone seems non-productive and frustrating for those who try, unsuccessfully, even in Portuguese. Maybe your lawyers can write to one (or more) of the following persons by registered letter? conteudo-detalhe