Awaiting Final Approval (Stage 4)

Just wondering - Are you considering applying for a D7 now instead, now that we have reached 2024?

“Progress” in Lisbon
Late Jan 2023, my MiL did bi9metrics on Lisbon

Just been asked to supply a further Apostilled copy of our marriage cert. Which of course says nothing about my wife and I still being married, and is one of our more difficult docs (live in London, married in Singapore)

So, bloody stupid as it is - there’s one reason only why the one we supplied a year ago no longer applies - here we are. But

Small steps…

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Good to hear there is a sign of life in Lisbon, but I agree, it’s frustrating to have to refresh documents so many times because of their delay.

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Thanks - I think this is a family reunion case, and your (primary) approval was last year? So not an indication that Lisbon is onto main applicants from Jan 2023 as yet, alas. No indication that they’ve moved past Aug 2022 for those, but as you say, signs of life are welcome.

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I’m main applicant and got my card (via Porto) last June
The rest of the family did biometrics in Jan and Feb in Lisbon, and a March in Funchal

So I fear that I’ll get the marriage cert done and in 3 months I’ll get asked for another!

That said, a friend applied a month and a day (Dec21) after me and only got pre-approval a couple of weeks back


25.10.2021 application
21.02.2022 pre- approvals
17.02.2023 coimbra biometric
11.04.2023 children biometric

I received the following final confirmation letter today.

Exmos/as. Senhores/as

Na sequência dos despachos favoráveis exarados nos pedidos de Concessão de ARI e RF/ARI, referente aos cidadãos ****** ( ); **** () ; ***** ( ) ; ********** (***); fica V. Exa. Notificado/a para, nos termos do art.º 114º do CPA, e no prazo de 60 dias (não prorrogáveis), proceder de acordo com o abaixo indicado:

X□Proceder ao pagamento da taxa de CONCESSÃO de ARI e RF/ARI podendo emitir o DUC através do Portal ARI.

□ – Depois de efetuado o pagamento por DUC, solicita-se que envie o respetivo comprovativo através do seguinte endereço eletrónico:
Mais se informa que a eficácia do ato administrativo se encontra diferida até integral satisfação do ora notificado e que o não pagamento das taxas devidas acarreta a extinção do procedimento, nos termos do art.º 133º do CPA.

Nesta eventualidade, a concessão do direito terá de ser novamente reapreciada com base em elementos atualizados, os quais terão que ser novamente carreados para os autos.

Caso tenha havido alteração da morada de residência, deve juntar comprovativo/declaração da nova morada.

Para o levantamento presencial do título, caso não tenha optado pelo envio por correio, deverá dirigir-se ao posto de atendimento na Direção Regional do Centro do SEF após contacto prévio para efeito de indicação do dia e hora para entrega.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,


Congrats! So approvals are indeed rolling again.

Congrats… Can I ask what your investment type was? ie real estate, private equity, equity fund, real estate fund, etc?

Congrats! All progress is GOOD.

Hi there

Did your children also get their final approval or just you? Where did they do your biometrics?

I did mine in Coimbra very shortly after you so this is encouraging!

Hi Chris

real estate


Thanks. Interesting to note that in granting final approvals for real estate-related applications, AIMA just calls it an ARI, and makes no reference to entrepreneurial visas, Article 89 or any of that. Mind you, they’re still talking about “SEF Centers”, so…


Right. They are basically ignoring those two problematic articles of ‘Mais Habitacao’ that are not yet (or never will be) supported by regulations.


what is the official website to see the status of the GV applications ? has it moved to AIMA ?

Good heads up for us (Biometrics early Feb 2023 in Lisbon, married in NY and living in Tokyo :sob:). Mentally prepared for the hustle. Thanks…


So final approval is rolling now.

@Tosh Uggghhh, yes this is infuriating! We all feel your pain. :anguished:

Funchal, 10 March 2023, my wife did her biometrics
Just been approved

So we wait on Lisbon (son, just turned 18, and mother-in-law), and keep fingers crossed the clock started running at the end of 2021


i did my biometrics jan 2023, still no news. when should i be hearing back and what are the next steps?

Where did you do them?