Awaiting Final Approval (Stage 4)

Inspired by Chrisโ€™ data listing data on waiting time to receive a Residence Card after biometrics, and using his Lisbon data plus data from non-Lisbon biometric data shared by others (below) โ€“ I analysed waiting times (in number of months calculated from days between Biometric date and card receipt date).
Something to take your minds off the recent politics of GV and helpful for all with recent biometrics. :slightly_smiling_face: Received=1 for card in hand. Received=0 if card not yet received as of last update. I hope I have the data and dates (in EU format) correct - but please post if not, so that data are revised. Information available as of 16th March 2023. Data sorted by location.

Data Bio to Card Not Lisbon 2023-03-22

The next 2 tables below are waiting times for cards (i)for those who received a card and have the full set of data, ie reported on dates and location of biometrics/card receipt. Data analysed by biometrics location and by the timing of the biometrics (Quarter of the year); (ii) for those will biometric data and location, without a card, and for them, time is defined as the time waiting for a card from biometrics until their last update here (equivalent to Chrisโ€™ colour coded information).
The first table -those with a card - includes the data Chris already posted for Lisbon as well for other biometric locations (listed above).
A total of 32 persons who RECEIVED a residency card, with their average wait for the card after Biometrics, by location of biometrics:

For the 20 individuals who have NOT received their card (1 in Azores, 2 in Coimbra, 3 in Porto and 14 in Lisbon (6 in 3Q2022) the average times they have been waiting for a card are below.

I can update the tables (a simple pivot table in Excel) from time to time.