Hi @Igor2023 — did you ever receive your card?
Great post, thank you. Let’s hope! It’s good news that renewals will be handled by a different entity entirely — one that’s already established and efficient at its mission…
When I lived in Portugal, I always found my interactions with IRN to be about as good as one could ever hope from a government agency. Easy to get appointments, fairly prompt service, folks who were somewhat friendly, etc. Moving renewals to them is definitely a good thing.
Yes, just few days ago!
@IME @nikmat Check if you can renew online now: https://amp.sicnoticias.pt/pais/2023-04-21-Imigrantes-podem-renovar-online-autorizacoes-de-residencia-que-caduquem-ate-30-de-junho-d20664a3
See the “how to” here: ARI Holders (Stage 5) - #306 by minimaxr
This doesn’t mention ARI.
Thanks @Onward mine expires in July. Just tried though, it didn’t work.
I believe @nik RP expires in June so maybe he can enlighten us if it’s working…
Hopefully, yes. As you say, the real test comes from those whose visas expire before June 30. Automatic Renewals for the Residence Authorization for Investment (“ARI”).
Not sure if his RP is ARI though…
My permit expired 6th April and still not able to renew - when registering I get an error telling me a user already exists with my permit number (and my attorneys did not create another SEF registration on that number).
The online renewal procedure is for all resident card renewals and does not involve the ARI website - so should not involve any SEF registration number, but the alphanumeric number on your existing card. Login at this location Registo with a valid email (can be a new email).
Perhaps read and follow the procedure given here Biometrics for Renewals - #214 by minimaxr
@tkrunning Can you please surface the updated online renewal process as a top level post or something? There are multiple versions buried in this thread. I think it is useful and comprehensive summary of the community experience with renewal, and there are a few quirks buried in the process which new members attempting renewal would do well to avoid, given that other forum members found them by bitter experience.
Please feel free to edit and reuse the information in any way you see fit, no attribution necessary.
Thanks, I did read the process above and experienced this issue with the SEF portal and the alphanumeric number on my card. Attorneys (PLMJ) have said this is a common issue and SEF had informed them that some cases would return this error. Apparently SEF needs to be contacted to fix.
My commiserations! Wasn’t clear from your post where you had logged in. Hope it gets resolved soon.
Thanks! Will update - if anyone has any similar experiences with needing to contact SEF about SEF portal registration issues (method of contact, how long they took to respond, etc) let me know, much appreciated!
My friend, whose ARI card was expiring on 14 March 2023, was having exactly same issue in January when the previous quarter online renewal opened. She provided her original passport to her lawyer on 1 or 2 February when she was in Lisbon and passport was returned to her on the same day evening. She did not know how her lawyer contacted SEF. The issue was resolved in approximately 20 days: from discovery to being able to generate DUC on SEF RENEWAL (not ARI) portal and make payment. Her new ARI card issuing date is 10 Feb 2023.
This is very helpful, thank you. My lawyers have just said that last week they went to SEF in person to resolve this for me and a number of other clients but were told that it has to be done via email - apparently a technical “informatic” issue on SEF’s side.