January 14, 2023, 8:43am
Hey, there is a topic dedicated to this question - please also see the below posts. Bear in mind that local custom officers can make your life difficult so there is no math or exact science, someone here on this from had written that he could not travel to Portugal from Spain (though normally it should be treated as travelling within the same county)
I do also have an expired card, but sought for Schengen visa to avoid these kind of issues and whenever possible I would suggest getting a Schengen visa when the cards expire - though I am aware that this is not as easy as it is written.
In the meanwhile, I would also print out the decree that spells out the extension - in theory with that decree even the expired cards should be valid - but it is all in theory.
I’ve previously written here that Turkish airlines let people get on planes with SE…
Dear all, I first wish everyone a happy new year…
You might recall me writing about travelling to Portugal without the Schengen visa… I double-checked this with my lawyer… Here is what I heard from lawyers + my observations…
My lawyers has told me that If someone has an expired residency card that person can travel to Portugal with the expired card + SEF appointment to renew it (without the Schengen visa)… The current residency cards’ validity period are extended till end of March…
As I menti…
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