Awaiting Final Approval (Stage 4)

The Portugal Random Outcome Generator :tm: is the one point of reliability.


Here’s another approval data point: Today I received the DUC to pay for the initial issuance of spouse’s residence card (mine was received on Jan 23, 2024 for reference). My issuance fee: 5,798.66. Spouse’s issuance fee: 6,045.20. Reason for difference? No clue but not going to argue over a couple hundred euros at this point.

Fees go up every March automatically by the rate of inflation


Has AIMA given final approval for any applicant who did their biometrics in Lisbon in September, 2022. I am wondering if they have completed August, 2022 and are moving forward.

Yes! Just got approval last week. Biometrics was in the latter half of September, 2022 in Lisbon.


Congratulations @tom1

Did you file a legal case?

Nope, just tried not to think too much about it and waited.


Thanks @tom1

Just two more questions:

  1. What fees did they apply for the card?
  2. When you do get the card, it would be great to know the validity. I heard it has gone back to 1 year.


@askmwz , fee was the new one, 6045.20 EUR. I’ll update on the expiration once I get the card if it isn’t otherwise obvious here, but already expecting it to be 1 year.

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My family and I did our biometrics in October 2022 (SEF offices in Lisbon). Still waiting for final approval. I check with my lawyers every now and then, they send a query to AIMA and tell me AIMA has replied that our case is still in process. That’s about all I do. A year or so back, my lawyers advised me not to file a court case. You’d have thought lawyers would want to make the extra fees from the court case, but they’re decent I guess.
By the way, those of us who did our bios in October 2022 (Lisbon) or thereabouts can catch up about latest developments on our cases.

Moderator edit: Please don’t share personal contact details in public. Use PMs instead.


Any specific reason for this?

LegalSquare has taken a conservative approach with a mentality that it may upset the powers that be and fray relationships with SEF/AIMA for little gain. They’re willing to do it if a client insists, but don’t seem too keen on it.

ARI applicants have such a great relationship with SEF/AIMA, I can see why they wouldn’t want to risk it.

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Of course it’s not our relationship with AIMA… It’s theirs (legal firm referred to above) . As they say in the Wire - “everybody stays friends , everybody gets paid “


Guys, wondering is anyone has seen any action from Porto recently? If so, can you share details. Looks like once Porto was racing ahead (i.e. the fastest tortoise in this race), but they seem to be hibernating now?

That’s how us Faro applicants feel :slight_smile:

Everywhere seems to have slowed down. I did mine in Coimbra, that last year was on about 8-10 months. I’m now at 13 months and counting. My lawyer said the slowdown is since the move over to AIMA.

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According to them filing a case could delay matters even more.

That would seem unlikely given the results others have had in this thread. I’ve asked my lawyers to file one.

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