Awaiting Final Approval (Stage 4)

Very interestingā€¦ in particular this bit:
"Solicitors will also be asked for support in concluding cases relating to the extinct Gold visas, in terms of ā€œgranting residence with investmentā€ā€¦

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I hope my lawyer is tasked with approving my application :eyes:



The media valuing accuracy as usualā€¦

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Shhhhhā€¦ if everyone thinks theyā€™re already extinct, they wonā€™t try to abolish them again

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Same here. Sep. 2, 2022ā€¦ still waiting. :sob:

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Frankly, with the 5 years starting from some point earlier than card issuance, I am happy for them to take as long as possible to issue my final approval, so long as approval happens at some point within the 5 year waiting period, especially with the initial residency permit only valid for 1 year again.

Initial App: May 2021
Biometrics Lisbon: November 2022
Still waiting :clown_face:


Has the initial permit validity gone back to one year again? Since when?

Itā€™s still unclear, but see this thread:

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So apparently there seems to be an problem in issuing the DUC online for my application. My lawyer has to go in-person to AIMA to figure out why/ get it issued. Anyone else have this problem after their approval?

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Thanks, Chris. I was hoping with a two year permit, I could avoid the fees for the renewal in one year and apply for citizenship before the expiry of the card in two years.

My application is from June 2019. I finally got the approval via a successfull court case last month. From my court case lawyer zi learnt that my wifeā€™s permit has been issued. But it went to my original lawyerā€™s office and I wonā€™t know about its validity until she returns to work on the 15th. Mine apparently hasnā€™t been issued yet.

Although I had posted regarding the law suit etc. in a different thread, I didnā€™ post my timeline because itā€™s atypical and wouldnā€™t be of any use to those who are waiting for their biometrics and permit.

Warm regards.

Taufiq: I f you review the thread that Chris sent you, you will see that the most recent cards issued have been for only 1 year unfortunately. The reversion from 2 years to 1 year seems to have just occurred in the past month. Noah

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You will have to keep renewing while your citizenship is being processed anyway. But at least with the new law you can apply soon! Hope you passed your A2 language test already!

Hi Noah, I wasnā€™t aware of the thread until Chris referred to it. Iā€™m much better informed now.

Iā€™m just thinking a dimension will be added to this whole drama if my wifeā€™s card (issued about 10 days ago and not yet seen by us) is valid for two years and mine (to be issued hopefully soon) for one. No end to excitement here.

Yes, I had momentarily forgotten about that. With the A2 test, Iā€™ll postpone it until Iā€™ve actually moved to Portugal next year.

The final confirmation e-mail came from Coimbra on 31.01.2024. Until today, my lawyer has not been able to create the DUC payment through the system.

Does the whole family have to pass the Portuguese A2 test or just those over 18 years of age?

Great summary of the state of play and Saturdayā€™s results.

Did Marcelo save us - as usual, we shall have to wait and see ā€¦ proxima.

Thereā€™s a bit more discussion of the election over in this thread:

Is it true that starting from now, the first Resident Permit will be valid for 1 year only again?

Just received my first card in Feb. It is for 2 years. I have seen others that recently received a 1 year card (according to their attorney that was in error). A couple others have posted on here they also received 2 year cardsā€¦Soā€¦there you go. Make of it what you will.