Awaiting Final Approval (Stage 4)

Congrats! Finally! It seems Porto is a bit slow as well? Cause it took 1 yr for you from Biometrics and Final approval.

Yes, last I checked the Faro and Coimbra AIMA offices were fastest. You can check the most up to date info we have with the GV tracker database here on nomad gate

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I have not heard a peep out of Faro for over 6 months, while Lisbon seems to be moving again.

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Oh really? When? My husband and daughters did theirs there in August.

Coimbra not fast anymore, the AIMA switch has caused big delays. I’m over a year wait now for Coimbra. I guess they might speed up again if AIMA manage to improve processes.

But according to the database, Coimbra is still the relatively fast one? Comparing to others. Especially Lisbon.

FARO no longer process fingerprints for GV. My friend went there with an appointment. He was turned down.

january or feb 2024.

things can change, so pls do not hang me over this!

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If localities for biometrics have altered since AIMA took over - this probably means that there has been an internal reshuffle of workload and responsibilities for biometrics & paper review?? If so, I do hope this reshuffle brings more, rather than less, efficiency into the system. Sigh.

The downside is that we are unlikely to reliably predict AIMA efficiency - by location - from the database which is based on SEF-driven timelines! Sigh again :thinking:

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Agreed - speculating about whether Coimbra’s faster than Porto has been futile since last September.

Honestly, they should have centralised the whole thing years ago. “You want an ARI? We do those in Lisbon.”


Curious to see if they continue opening slots there as an option to book. We were successful at Faro in November after the switch to AIMA. Wasn’t quick, but we got it done.

So practically 2,3 years after the initial card, the applicant is already good to go for citizenship application with passed A2 test, embarking on another long march… :sweat_smile:

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Some more positive final approval news from Lisbon today! Biometrics in August 2022.

Key data points:

Application - 03 Sep 21
Pre approval - 02 Dec 21
Biometrics - 08 Aug 22 (Lisbon)
Final approval - 01 Mar 24

Now just waiting for the DUC so I can make payment to start the card issuance process. This was for the primary applicant, still waiting on final approvals for my dependants.


What is the likelihood that staff was shifted from other offices to Lisbon in order to reduce the backlog there (at the expense of the backlog elsewhere)?

Just speculating… Am 7 months in on Coimbra right now.

We’re getting some action out of AIMA after a positive ruling by our judge. Last week they asked for a new declaration from our bank which was suppled by the end of the week. Anyone any estimate how long we’ll have to wait now? Next step will be the DUC payment demand, right?

We are in a similar position. AIMA requested an updated bank document and it was supplied on February 12. Our lawyer said it should be 1-2 months until we receive our cards, which was about 3 weeks ago., though we don’t share her optimism! And yes, the next step will be the request for payment. :slightly_smiling_face:

Another update.
Son did his biometrics in Lisbon at the end of Jan/early Feb 2023
His approval came through today.


AIMA is planning to subcontract the analysis of some residence permit applications to solicitors:


Wow that’s weird. I did mine in Sept 2022 in Lisbon and am still waiting.

This is a family reunification case, not a primary applicant. I think Tosh got his own approval months ago.

We all applied the same time (end Nov 21) and I (main applicant) got my card in June 23, one still to come, my Mother in law so no rush there😉