Awaiting Pre-Approval (Stage 2)

Which fund did you go for?

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Did it ever really make sense to antagonize the already painfully slow org in charge of approving and renewing your visa?

And how does dealing with lawsuits impact SEF’s opinion of GV applicants and its processing of their applications, regardless of their participation in a lawsuit? Doesn’t make us seem Not Entitled when people start suing to move to the front of the line, even if it seems justified.

I am considering the wait part of the cost involved in a visa that doesnt require almost any presence in the country. But of course I hope the SEF replacement dramatically improves the process. (And maybe my tune will change when I am 15 months in and haven’t had pre-approval…)


Presumably when everyone starts suing and the state has to pay the costs (do they?) heads start to roll and they stop intentionally sandbagging investor visas

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As my lawyers pointed out, deadline extensions cut both ways. More people have been granted extensions on the validity of their expired visas than SEF has missed deadlines on issuing. Unfortunately, we have to take the bad with the good.

Days, weeks, months pass, but there is no change in SEF, pre-approvals, biometrics appointments, cards, unfortunately everything stops, does not progress. It is very frustrating to wait. No one knows what will happen.

If they could keep up with their words, then Portugal is no longer Portugal. That is the exact reason why we are having Portugal. Otherwise, Portugal would become something similar to Germany or UK…I know it sucks when they swallowed your money but they do not deliver their product & services as advertised. But for the sake of easing your mind, it is important to understand that like all other investment in the world, the GV investment carries some risks. One of the obvious risks is that the government breaks their promises and swallows our money…:sweat: so just think of it as bad luck…

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Looks like GV is here to stay… i think its great news.


Glad to report pre-approvals for our family of 4. Submitted Dec 9th, 2021, Approved Nov 28, 2022.


Congratulations :partying_face:

Great news! Congratulations!

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Wow! Congratulations!!!

I hope this helps relieve some of the stress. This was posted on another thread so I thought I’d share it here. My husband and I are still waiting for pre-approval, applied December 23, 2021, so this is a huge relief. Hang in there everybody and good luck.


It’s been a long wait but got our pre-approval finally. Applied: 12 DEC 21, pre-approval 2 Dec 22


That’s great news, keep us posted on your progress towards the biometric appointments.


Thanks everyone for posting their updates. There’s hope!

Please remember to update the spreadsheet also :pray:


This is fantastic news, since apparently after double checking I’m dec 13th and 17th for my wife :pensive:

Here I thought I got in on the 7th :roll_eyes:


Apart from scrolling back through this thread, is there a quick way to navigate to the spreadsheet?

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