Fiscal Representation not required

Hi, i have seen lot of threads on this topic but something still remains unclear and i was wondering if i could get answers for my doubts.
So i applied of NIF last year with E-residence and now no longer plan to move. I dont have any tax obligations with portugal. My questions are

  1. Can i just cancel my annual subscription directly with them on their portal?
  2. Do i still need to apply for notification through finance portal?

They said this to me:-
Hello again, our lawyer confirmed you should set communication channel in your tax portal and contact to tax support to cancel representation, after cancellation they will provide you update NIF you forward it to us, and we cancel our subscription.

But i am.not sure if i have to do it. Can anyone please help?

Thanks a lot

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Yes, you need to do it if you want to cancel your tax rep.

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There are a few other threads on this topic:


Thank you. But in the link it says that

However, as of July 1st, those with no tax obligations within Portugal no longer need a tax representative, despite having a NIF.

So does that mean i just cancel my subscription from e-residence and dont pay them annual fees. Would that be an issue? I am very confused because e-residence say i need address in portugal.

So i just activate the notification channel like this and I am good right? Is there anything else left to do? Please let me know thanks.

I have not canceled my representation, so I am not sure, personally. Perhaps if you post in one of those other threads, someone who has fully gone through the process might have some advice. My reading of those other threads is that it is a little bit more work than just enabling the portal notification.

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First off, you need to wait for the channel to become activated, which is going to happen in your case on March 1st 2023.
Then you need to go to e-balcao on the portal and submit the pedido asking them to remove your tax rep for the reasons already discussed. Then you wait for the AT response indefinitely :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
They are a bit like SEF.

Check this thread also:

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Thanks, Tommy, for your response. Ok, I will wait for the channel to be activated. As I am in Ireland (part of the EU) right now, I think I can submit my documents with the current address and should be good to go. Either way, I still have 1 year to go as my renewal happened on 13th Feb. I hope it will be fine.
Thank you

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I got a reply from the Tax authority to send the updated NIF after signing it. I signed it and they sent the NIF back without my signature. I am just wondering if this is it.


That seems correct. I got representation removed recently at Finanças itself as part of NHR paperwork so that was done for me at local city loja. I have since found a local office with MUCH shorter lines. If form has no representative address anymore on page one AND your signature and a stamp from the authority on page two you should be good to go. Most folks don’t have my luck with dealing with Portuguese authorities as only God knows which is worse - SEF or Finanças :). It does help a lot to be able to speak some Português, however. My interactions have usually been quite friendly but my experience is NOT the norm.