HOW-TO: GV Automatic Online Renewal Procedure (Jan 2023→)

I am not saying withdrawing money by investors causes a damage or a big effect to the country. I only said that very likely they would withdraw if they could get passport in hand. Govt, on the other hand, never wants it to happen. Although GV - the big fish - contributes 1% to the market, they still want to keep it if the fish is already in their fridge. Why would govt throw the fish away?

Thinking about people from Manifestacao de Interesse, locking up those people are the utmost important task. If not, 300k 400k labours with portuguese passports in hand can find jobs in other european countries. Of course, those miserable and vulnerable immigrants are counting every single day to go elsewhere for better salary.

Of course, there are still some people like you who love the country and do not change the opinion of having a passport or not. But, the majority do aim for something more materialistic. If it’s not for passport, if it’s not for the same language i.e. portuguese, this country could hardly attract 5%-10% of total current immigrants.


Now I’m confused. Am I a big fish or a hot potato?

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Wieso müssen wir ins Deutsche umschalten? Ist es eine neue Taktik unsere echten Gefühle zu verbergen? :slight_smile:

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Ich war neugierig, ob du auch etwas auf Deutsch schreiben würdest, Roman :grin:

Na ja, können wir jede ab und zu ein bisschen Spaß haben, nicht Wahr? :grinning:

Bacalhau e batatas is a classic Portuguese dish which you will have to eat for your citizenship exam to prove your connection to Portugal.

A légpárnás hajóm tele van angolnákkal.

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Leute, wir haben keine Zeit, Deutsch zu üben. Wir müssen uns auf unsere Portugiesischprüfung vorbereiten.


Maybe there should be a german language thread so this one doesnt become incomprehensible to most people? Or just private messages…


Nun, wir brauchen die portugiesische Version eigentlich erst in „wie vielen?“ Jahren (hier Zahl einfügen) … :wink:

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Vielleicht sollte es einen deutschsprachigen Thread geben, damit dieser für die meisten Leute nicht unverständlich wird? Oder einfach nur private Nachrichten…


Let’s keep this thread on topic (and in English) guys… :slight_smile:

For discussions around the citizenship process we already have this thread:


Once again this extension is mere useless for GV. With expired card at hand, GV holders cannot even start citizenship process, even though waiting time is shortened.
One extension after another is just a burden, meaning no real progress has ever been made.

BTW may I ask what’s your situation with citizenship application ? You also face the risk of having an expired card during your application ? As you seem to be passionate and knowledgeable about this topic every time…:slight_smile:

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The extension is published officially.

What is strange to me is that in the law it says with the extension all expired documents/residencies/visas are accepted as if they are valid. However, in reality, IRN does not accept citizenship’s application if card is not valid. Maybe a new lawsuit for this matter is going to be needed…

8 - Os documentos e vistos relativos à permanência em território nacional, cuja validade expire a partir da data de entrada em vigor do presente decreto-lei ou nos 15 dias imediatamente anteriores, são aceites, nos mesmos termos, até 30 de junho de 2025.

9 - Os documentos referidos no número anterior continuam a ser aceites, nos mesmos termos, após 30 de junho de 2025, desde que o seu titular faça prova de que já procedeu ao agendamento da respetiva renovação.


Exactly. IRN does not recognise it and it serves zero function for travel. The extension protects CPLP residency holders from getting fired from their jobs when their card expired on the face but for GV holders, it means absolutely nothing.

It counts towards the 5 year mark via contagem de tempo. So effectively it is “free” time during which you don’t have to spend the card renewal fee.


Forget about applying for citizenship or travelling with expired cards, i challenge anyone here to register the PLA course A2 with the expired cards. All center do not accept it. Basically, it means you can exit the country without being blacklisted as overstay. But if you live fulltime in the country, you are literally a zombie.

Someone on another platform has been able to do automatic renewal for GV expiring this month.


@mahayacout is that a question or a statement?


@mahayacout that is good to hear, hopefully someone here can reproduce that result!

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