HOW-TO: GV Automatic Online Renewal Procedure (Jan 2023→)

unless they look at the dates on the cards…

I tried. Something has changed and I’m able to try and renew the card. Though getting a different error message.

What is the error ?

Can you plz share the url you used ?

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Thanks , I am getting error of invalid username or password and recover passport is not working , anyone facing same error ?

Hello Vivek , were you able to login before ?

There can be a number of different errors returned during the attempt.

  1. if you cannot login due to authentication issue, read the original post in this thread.

  2. Other errors messages can be like this one:

Because you are non-specific, no one can help you.

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I tried it and the site has definitely changed, previously it was saying

O título de residência que possui não permite a utilização da funcionalidade “renovação automática”. Para mais informações, o Centro de Contacto do SEF está ao seu dispor, todos os dias úteis, das 8:00 às 20:00 através dos números – 808 202 653 (rede fixa) ou 808 962 690 (rede móvel).

But now it lets me verify my details (name/NIF/address etc) and hit the submit button but then gives this error

Ocorreu um erro, por favor tente mais tarde. Se o problema persistir o Centro de Contacto do SEF está ao seu dispor todos os dias úteis, das 08:00 às 20:00 através de dois números – 808 202 653 (rede fixa) ou 808 962 690 (rede móvel).


Histórico de Pedidos

it lists the status as

Aguarda Submissão

I tried on both Chrome and Safari and got the same error both times.

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Perhaps try clearing your browser Cache and use a VPN setting the location to Portugal

I get the same as you.

Probably the request is sent but they are still working on fixing the backend processing.

I got the same error. It feels like they are still fixing things but there is definitely some progress because we never saw this error before.

After seeing this error, my best guess is that the renewal site is linked to a separate service that generates the DUC request. If that service is overloaded (timed out) or turned off, then this error is generated. So I believe that once they fix this part, it should start working again.

Hopefully rushing to use the broken site doesnt leave people with broken renewals…

For me in order history it’s saying awaiting submission. This is after I did automatic renewal and it gave an error.

Any idea what awaiting submission means.


Não é bom.

In your order history does it show any message. Thx

That’s the same I got (but I’m using the Portuguese site). It means it didn’t go through. On the Facebook groups, they recommend in this case you cancel the “awaiting submission” request before trying to submit a new one.

Also they recommend to use the Portuguese site (use DeepL translate if necessary) because the English version often doesn’t work.

Should we start feeling cautiously optimistic about renewals ?

I have tried all of the self-help instructions found online, to no avail.

Unless someone has found a magic solution to this, it is just more waiting unfortunately. I have read online that some people wait for months with no way to renew.