HOW-TO: GV Automatic Online Renewal Procedure (Jan 2023→)

hope this link can help some peoples. anyone have lucks with renewal?

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Any success on renewal. Thx

It is not about automatic renew.
But it is about automatic appointment. My card has an expiry date in end of Q3.
Today I checked my sef account and was surpised that Aima has automatically given me a an appointment. I believe it is for renewal. The scariest part is that it says: it is not allowed to re-schedule, but it has the option to cancel. :joy:

At least I am now able to start preparing with my lawyer for the appointment.

I will keep checking the automatic renewal. As I knew in the past, some people got the appointment but also got the options to do auto renew. They did auto renew then their cards were issued and their appointments were automatically cancelled.

For now, at least I have something and something is better than nothing at all.


News from a major law firm, they are in contact with AIMA Project Coordinator who is looking to understand the problem with the IT team


@Anyday no it is a dead end for me. I’ve tried to contact aima without success .

This looks like the portal, not the ARI portal, right?

Also: is the appointment before or after the expiry, and by approximately how many days/weeks?

This is not normal. My family has Q3 date and they cannot book automatic appointment on the platform. Probably your lawyer had made this appointment for you through separate means? It’s not through the platform.

He mentioned on another thread that he’d filed a lawsuit related to dependents which got traction, that might have triggered AIMA to have done this Awaiting Biometrics (Stage 3) - #2027 by live2learn

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No, my lawyer did nothing about it. I confirmed with my lawyer today. An email of the appointment was sent to lawyer and lawyer forward that email to me. So, for my case, I was automatically scheduled by AIMA. They force me to do it or cancel it. They do not give option to choose. I am feeling AIMA start becoming a dictator now. Since it is automatic process, you cannot book any appointment, it was automatically distributed to me. That’s why I call it “automatic”. I would love to book the appointment myself and choose my own preferred date.

To be more clear on this:

  • one appointment for renewal: few days before the expiry
  • another appointment for renewal (different person): 2.5 months before the expiry
  • two appointments for Biometric for dependents (they do not have first card although the main applicant is about to renew and get 2nd card :joy:).
    All happens in the same day same AIMA location with different time.
    Lawyer did not do anything. Emails were automatically sent by AIMA.
    I knew it before the lawyer (because I check my sef account 2-3 times/day) and told lawyer to check email.

Hopefully AIMA Project Coordinator who is looking to understand the problem with the IT team can resolve it. Keeping fingers crossed

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Regarding the decree extending validity of expired residency cards until June 2025, note that the decree, like previous ones, only extends validity if one can prove that a renewal application is currently filed and awaiting consideration. Since none of us can do that, the law does not technically extend our cards, even if in practice they give us a nod and treat ours as extended.

My AIMA contact has been useless in spite of his telling me he would help. His last message simply told me to walk into an AIMA office and request an appointment. Right. If you approach any AIMA office, you’ll find it surrounded by crowds of Bangladeshi and Middle Eastern migrants all trying to do the same. No racism intended by my comment, it is what it is, and quite frankly, they are in more desperate need than we are. But at best two or three per day can get in to fill the occasional cancellations. So what chance do I have without pithing a tent and living full-time outside an AIMA office? Yes, this AIMA guy, and likely all his colleagues, are totally out of touch with what’s right outside their offices.

I don’t think it’s the time yet for a lawsuit. Since August is when the entire government shuts down, July has become pre-August, and there’s no point in demanding anything.

It only requires that you have an appointment. So, what do you do? Print out the email that AIMA sent to you inviting you to do the renewal. No one knows whether you actually have an appointment or not. Even AIMA does not know itself.

No you are confusing 8 with 9:

8 - Os documentos e vistos relativos à permanência em território nacional, cuja validade expire a partir da data de entrada em vigor do presente decreto-lei ou nos 15 dias imediatamente anteriores, são aceites, nos mesmos termos, até 30 de junho de 2025.
9 - Os documentos referidos no número anterior continuam a ser aceites, nos mesmos termos, após 30 de junho de 2025, desde que o seu titular faça prova de que já procedeu ao agendamento da respetiva renovação.

(8) extends cards until 30 June 2025, no renewal application required. (9) extends cards indefinitely beyond 30 June 2025 provided there is a renewal application.

In other words, you have until 30 June 2025 to file a renewal application (or more likely if things are still stuck then, the government will just issue another extension).


But AIMA never sent any such e-mail, not since I started this whole process in 2017. I have nothing from them to indicate or in any way prove that I have interest or intention for a renewal.

I appreciate your interpretation of paragraphs 8 and 9, and they had already aroused enough questions that I asked my dear lawyer about these during the time of the previous decree that expired at the end of June, which employed the same wording. She advised me that in fact, in a literal reading of the decree, my card expired more than 15 days before the current decree, so I am in a grey area. But what does she know? In fact, she’s been wrong about other things before. So I remain confused and cautious.

Any update on renewal? Thanks

A lawyer should know better. See explanation here: Wiki: Validity of expired documents and permits (Portugal) - #7 by Garbonzo

I also had an automatic appointment scheduled. My card expired early January (right after online renewal ended, lucky me) and I got an email with an appointment in early May. Similar to live2learn I couldn’t reschedule and my lawyers did nothing to make the appointment, it was just given. That being said, it’s been two months and I still haven’t gotten the renewal. The “deadline” for when I should hear back is the end of this month. If I don’t hear anything by then, my lawyers say they can take legal action at that point because a completed renewal application that doesn’t have an answer within the deadline should be legally considered approved.


As I understood correctly, you got appointment for renewal in May. You went to the appointment. Did they re-collect your biometric one more time ? Or what did they do to you on that day? And now you still have not received the approval for renewal process?