HOW-TO: GV Automatic Online Renewal Procedure (Jan 2023→)

Yep, collected biometrics, submitted documents, paid the fees. After that I received the proof of submission and proof of payment but nothing since then. My lawyer says AIMA has 60 working days after the appointment to review everything. That deadline will pass at the end of this month.

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it is bizarre to me how they are obsessed with the biometrics. Or they really want to make money and create more jobs for people. :woozy_face:


Nothing new here, we fulltime residents in PT are used to super high inefficiency in every parts of life. AIMA is no exception to begin with. For example, an electricity project with E-redes which has a 7 day turnaround time(as per the application) has been pending for over 5 months in my case. We have accepted the way of life, although it was super annoying for me in the beginning…

Is this for a new built ? Or for an old house?
My rental apartment was super easy. I signed up online and got electricity after one day.

Yeah for a lot of stuff, I’ve been very happy with the efficiency, speed, and friendliness of the businesses and people in Lisbon. The only slow parts are the government

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@anellis12 My lawyer told me AIMA has 90 working days from payment to process a renewal before legal action can start. I can’t find a government notice to confirm but I’ve seen 90 working days mentioned on other forums too. We recently received a card from a March renewal that took 76 working days from payment date to arrive (although only 56 working days between payment and issue date printed on the card), so I wouldn’t lose hope just yet.

So, um, how many forums are you “watching” …?

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Not sure what your joke means. I was just providing info I’ve read that’s relevant to the post above. Am I missing something?

Instead of an automatic appointment, I did get an email from AIMA about logging on to do “automatic renewal” a couple of weeks ago. Which of course failed like some folks here reported.

So it’s confusing why some of us get different things.

However, it was a “good” feeling to finally get an email from them after all these years, even though it was a system message and the information was misleading : >

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Does anyone have any concrete indication if a decision has been made to reintroduce automatic renewals for ARI cards ? Or are we just relying on hope at this point ?

So, we can only travel within the regions where TAP covers? That is very incomvenient… Any solution to travel other regions (eg. showing the page of this article, or getting some letter from the authority to testify validity)?

If you have a Singapore passport you can visit EU even without unexpired GV?

Just hope. No change till now.

When leaving from the foreign airport, it is required to show a valid resident card of the final destination (as an evidence not to stay there illegally) or a return ticket.

A one - way refundable return ticket is your friend. Since you have no intention of staying illegally, it’s surely just a tick-the-box exercise.


Anyone has update regarding auto-renewal? Thanks

On a separate forum, one of the lawyers who’s in touch with AIMA reports that

“FYI online platform for renewals is almost ready. The bug was overcome and at this moment they are just adjusting the taxes values ​​of the DUCs which will become available on the platform but are also automatically sent to the Applicant’s registered email address”


I’m hearing renewals are open again

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Yes, I got my DUC for my renewal.

When is your card expired?
I’ve just tried mine and still does not allow me to do auto-renew. Mine is expired in September.