Is it possible to submit D7 applications while waiting for the GV application outcome?

Actually, Amanda, in accordance with Portuguese law (paraphrasing my lawyer), you can remain in Portugal even before the actual pre-approval: once your application is submitted and fees are paid, your case is considered “pending”. This means they won’t kick you out of the country after your initial 90-day automatic U.S. tourist visa, but you won’t be able to travel outside Portugal. If you are flying out, leave for a non-Schengen country like U.K., Ireland, U.S., Canada, etc.

Also, there is a bi-lateral agreement still in force between U.S. and Portugal that gives you additional 60-days past 90-day tourist one. I have the text of this treaty referenced in the following thread: U.S. - Portugal bi-lateral treaty.

Between all these, amounting to 150 days after your arrival, you should receive your pre-approval and maybe even an invitation for biometrics if SEF, with its newly-created special task force to clear the backlog of applications, would pick up the pace.