The Ultimate Guide to Estonian E-residency, Banking, and Taxes

Thanks for this informative guide!
I’m trying to put my head around the taxes again using some examples.

Please correct if I’m wrong in any part.

From what I understand so far, as non-resident Estonian company owner:

  1. You don’t pay any corporate taxes (20%) until you distribute the money. Awesome.
  2. Following other posts - you don’t obligated to pay board member salary to yourself and thus pay almost 40% taxes for this salary. Worst case you pay a really low salary. Awesome.
  3. Really depends on your situation, but in general you can “drain” the money by paying yourself a regular employee salary and pay taxes only in your country of residence for personal income. Awesome.

So far so good?
The only part I’m missing is regarding #3 - you as employee shouldn’t pay taxes to Estonia but your home country. However, should you-as-company pay extra taxes for this paid salary? As a company, paying for your employee a salary carry any additional expense? If so, how much? and what is the lowest salary you can pay to yourself to avoid that?

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