Awaiting Pre-Approval (Stage 2)

April SEF report is already published: 116 ARI approvals. I believe that SEF report is capturing the final approval with a gap of 14 months at least between pre-approval dates ( currently Dec 21) and final approval. Thus the total Nb of pending applications to be added to the previously approved ARI should be around 3000 to 4000 applications (Est 100 applications per month)

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I am not sure I follow your logic. Dec 2021 is the date of initial applications that SEF is currently pre-approving. So that is 17 months until pre-approval. Few applications from December 2021 have even done biometrics yet. I do not see how the SEF report informs us of number of pending applications, nor time from pre-approval to final approval (which will only lengthen as they continue processing Dec 2021.)

What am I misunderstanding?


I applied in June. At this point, I’ve been waiting for almost 11 months. Getting frustrated.


Any good news this week my folks?

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It is frustrating but remember people from 2021 are still awaiting pre-approval…11 months is nothing to SEF these days.


True, sadly…I’m 17 months on and not pre-approved yet


Same here…


17 months here, too. Now I feel like I’m down to the wire trying to unload my fund units before preapproval comes and they ask me to pay the GV fees.

Are there realistically any buyers out there for the private investment funds? I would also consider selling if that was truly an option. Most of these funds appear to be undersubscribed, so I’m not sure why people would really buy direct unless, I suppose, there was a significant discount?

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Selling at a discount is always an option, but my units have a few advantages. It’s a closed fund, so anyone who wants that particular class and portfolio will have access. The capital has been fully deployed so we’re past the burner years and into targeted returns, but still have enough runway to meet GV requirements. It’s also a fund that’s proven they can close quickly, as was the case in my Dec 2021 application. Not sure I would have to sell at a discount, but maybe it’s worth eating a little now instead of getting caught for several more years.

The big challenge is I purchased before the minimum investments increased, so I really have to find someone who wants to diversify.

Maybe I won’t be able to get out, but I’m sure going to try. I’m losing out on too many other opportunities at this point for the uncertainty I’m about to be locked into with the GV/D2.

For those who love data and numbers:


This data is for final approval not pre-approval


Wow! Your daughter is lucky. This isthe first Jan '22 application to be approved! Congratulations.


I wonder how their daughter’s application was accepted while SEF wasn’t accepting applications? And then processed very much out of order?

Some got in before the halt (it was not on 1st Jan, but a few days later), and paper applications were made. The out-of-order procedure (ie dependents being approved before the main applicant) remains a mystery, but has been reported here in a number of cases…


I had a call today with my lawyer who confirmed that they started seeing some applications from early Jan 22 being approved. She expected that be end of this month all Dec21/ Jan 22 submissions will be approved. Did anyone get a similar feedback ?


I haven’t had any feedback from my lawyer about timing…I’m a Dec 2022 applicant, this waiting game is depressing


My lawyer gives out MONTHLY notice to me, I’ll sure post it if I hear from her this week. But I’m happy to hear that SEF is still working on ARIs, I’m very frustrated…

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The communications from our lawyer (a big firm) is abysmal. Mind responding about who you are using?

I am working through Citizenship Invest and till now they are very professional in term of reply and insights sharing