Citizenship possibilities for citizens of Colombia

My wife is a citizen by birth in Colombia and can trace ancestors to Spain in the 1500’s. What if any routes are open to her to pursue becoming a resident or citizen of Spain?

I think as a citizen of an Ibero-American country, the usual 10 year residence requirement for citizenship is reduced to two years. For residency she’d need a work visa, a non-lucrative visa (ie can support yourselves financially) or a student visa.

@MishaMasha With direct Spanish ancestry from the 1500s, your wife has a potential fast track to citizenship through descent! Check out the Spanish consulate or resources like “KLEV&VERA Immigration” for details. Alternatively, her Colombian heritage might qualify for preferential residency under Spain’s “Ley de Memoria Histórica.” Whatever path she chooses, be prepared for some paperwork and a good immigration lawyer, but the rewards of Spanish sun, tapas, and history could be well worth it.