Hi sj-to-pt:
Yes there is a way to get fingerprints when physically in Portugal. We had to do this when it was time to renew our criminal records prior to biometrics because they had expired by that time.
There is a place called the US COOP located at the US Embassy in Lisbon. You need to schedule the print appointment in advance (when we did it in 2021 there was a 3 week lead time). The (one) person that does this there at the embassy only works 1 day a week (at least that was the case when we did it), and so it might be awhile to get in.
They do not do digital prints, only ink. They have the required fingerprint cards there. They will do two full sets of prints, but you can pay a bit extra for a couple of additional sets, if you are like me and have trouble getting good sets that the FBI will accept.
Once you get your hard card with the prints, you then can send them via express carrier (FedEx, DHL, etc.) directly to the FBI for approval. It’s important to clarify on your shipping forms that you are just sending legal documents when sending to the FBI, otherwise it can get held up in customs.
Also, since the 90-day validity date on the criminal record starts the moment the record is issued NOT when the Apostille is issued, I recommend, getting the prints BEfORE actually asking for the criminal record online. This will avoid wasting weeks of time on the ticking clock for the criminal record validity. You can then have everything prepared to immediately put it all in the express mail to FBI as soon as you get your criminal record case number by email. You need to include a printout of that email with the hard copy prints anyway.
Here is the link with info on the US COOP that does the prints (about halfway down on this page). Technical Difficulties
It does not provide the contact info to schedule an appointment, unfortunately and the numbers in the previous sections on the page don’t get you to the right place. I am pasting below the contact info we had in July of 2021. I can’t guarantee that the info is still valid, but it’s a start.
Ana Margarida Gomes
CO-OP Manager
Embaixada dos EUA
Tel. 351-217702378
Cell 351-918786736
E-Mail: gomesamf@state.gov
I hope this helps. If you find my somewhat dated info is no longer accurate, it would be appreciated if you would post an update here so we can update our records.