International phone systems - anybody used

Another community member mentioned, which seems attractive, but I’m curious about anyone’s experience with Business Phone Numbers for Entrepreneurs for business, with virtual local numbers.
Are there any tricks, uneven performance, surprise bills? I used to be in the telecom business before the Internet, before VOIP, and almost all cheap line segments were copper, not fibre-optic, so quality was different every time, sometimes heard other conversations, sometimes spoke with strangers, lots of fun (except massive mistaken bills, of course). So, Sonetel??

I can’t really judge sonetel (or, the be honest, I work for Voyced which is a VOIP provider so I can’t be impartial and will not discuss ‘competitors’) but there are many VoIP solutions out there.
Many use only outbound calling for preset packages, which you often won’t use, or for fairly hefty cost p/minute.

Rebtel, for example, is outgoing calls only anyway. If that is all you want that may be enough but if you also want people to be able to reach you, get the virtual number option and with a good quality SoftPhone app you can be called as well (as long as your phone has a data network available, of course).

Quality varies a lot be can be perfect and often even better than GSM or landline quality, but this does depend on your data connection, of course and here it is often the case of quality doesn’t come (at the) cheap(est price).

Voyced only works with business clients so depending on if you are that we may be able to help you. Otherwise, there are certainly other providers that work with consumer clients too. Just be aware of their support quality as this is what we hear to be the issue with most providers, our new, incoming clients tell us.

Any questions, let me know :slight_smile:

Hunting around, it’s essential to focus on one’s present and future purposes, functions.

Purely outbound - best so far - other suggestions?

Video, teleconferencing - but simpler

Video solo - free WeChat essential for China

Virtual numbers worldwide, PBX cloud -
- Wirecloud in Germany only

Really, depends on a person’s needs.
Happy hunting, can start here:

I’ve used Freezvon and was really please with their service. Their number really works!
However you have to pay $50 fee.

or try Dingtone app! get phone numbers from six countries in less than five mins for under $10.
Dingtone is inarguably the best solution.