Leaving Portugal while waiting to apply for GV application?

Does anyone know if one can leave PT for 2 weeks and return without issues if one is still waiting for the GV portal to open up for applications?

Tourist visa would have expired a while ago, but the deadlines have been extend until June 30, 2022. Does that comfortably allow folks whose 3 month tourist visa expired to go in and out of Portugal for important things medical treatment?

I asked a similar question in another thread. My understanding is that you cannot leave Portugal while your visa is on automatic extension. You cannot travel to other Schengen countries either.

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I assume you entered on Schengen visa. Did you have to visit local SEF office and get it extended while you were waiting for the biometrics ?

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I was not able to secure an appointment.

Best regards
Nizar M Al Adsani

Were you able to find out if you are able to travel outside the Schengen area with your current visa?

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I believe the conclusion that we have come to is a No. Although most people donā€™t have issues, there is a still some risk involved.

Given there is a Decree extending the visa document to June 20 2022 (Decree-Law No. 23-A/2022 of February 18);
Can one enter Portugal with a Schengen visa /or visa free and wait for approval of their application in the national territory, does the Decree apply? What happens after the visa free period expires?

I believe the extension is open to interpretation and some believe you already have to be in the country.
There is however this point on BREXIT



Order n. Āŗ 4473-A/2021 of 30 April provides that every foreign national with applications pending before SEF, submitted between March 18 2020 and December 31 2021, is deemed temporarily regular in national territory. Foreign nationals in that situation have guaranteed access to every public service, specifically with regards obtaining the National Health Service userā€™s number and access to the NHS, as well as access to social benefits, rental contracts, employment contracts, opening of bank accounts and hiring of essential public services.

It is not an automatic legalisation. The procedure remains suspended, during its appreciation and processing period, ensuring an equal treatment for foreign nationals

ā€¦ I would be interested to know if one would face any issues arriving at a biometrics appointment with expired waiver / Schengen / tourist visa.

Interesting to see ā€œapplications pending before SEF, submitted between March 18 2020 and December 31 2021ā€, not sure if the decree applies to dependents who applied after 2021.