"O pedido de renovação de autorização de residência, pode ser formulado pelo interessado ou pelo representante legal devendo ser apresentado junto dos serviços do IRN, I. P.
O agendamento do atendimento presencial nos balcões do IRN, para renovação de autorização de residência, segue a sistematização das AR caducadas desde agosto de 2024, por ordem cronológica das mais antigas para as mais recentes.
Os cidadãos serão contactados diretamente pelos serviços do IRN para agendar o dia e horário do atendimento num balcão da sua área de residência.
The application for renewal of a residence permit, can be made by the person concerned or their legal representative and must be submitted to the IRN, I. P. services.
The scheduling of face-to-face appointments at IRN counters for the renewal of residence permits, follows the systematisation of Residence Permit that have expired since August 2024, in chronological order from the oldest to the most recent.
Citizens will be contacted directly by the IRN services to book the day and time of the service at a branch in their area of residence."
I’ve reached to my lawyer to confirm that this doesn’t represent a change to the process for ARI renewals. I am pretty sure it doesn’t, but it does give at least a hint that they are working toward clearing the queue based on an oldest-first approach. I will update if I hear something from my lawyer; if anyone else gets an update first, please share.