NIF online, is it safe?

I have an application in with Anchorless for an NIF, since I’m not in Portugal right now. I’m concerned about the POA that I need to sign. It says it’s for “tax representation” and that the agreement will be over once my NIF is issued. But there’s no date on it and nothing that says it’s revokable.
Is this normal?

I used a different company back in 2021 to obtain my NIF ( Bordr).
I signed a PoA for tax representation. The PoA was dated with the day I signed it, but it didn’t have an end date.
I didn’t experience any problems. I’d say what they’re asking you to do is normal.

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Joni, I am about to get a NIF online, from the US. Can you let us know about your experience with Anchorless? I’ve also been looking at Novomove. Did you sort the issue with the POA?

I just got four NIFs with anchorless. They seem legit.

Thanks for that, Paul. I’m going ahead with the NIF even though the change in tax laws have me questioning if I want to go forward with moving to PT>

What is the change you are referring to that is so substantial to change the plans?

Hi, there, sorry for the delay in my response. My experience with Anchorless was smooth. I don’t speak Portuguese so I didn’t want to spend my limited time in Portugal (before I move) trying to get the NIF.

The expiration of the NHR (?) status that allowed reduced / zero tax burden on resident foreigners. I’ll be looking for a tax rep to discuss what I might need to pay in taxes there.