Nomad Gate ❤️ Telegram (notification integration)

If you use Telegram you can now get your Nomad Gate notifications directly in the app. You can even like and reply to posts and messages without leaving Telegram!

Here’s how:

  1. Send a message to the Nomad Gate Telegram bot by going to Telegram: Contact @NomadGate_BOT
  2. The bot will reply with a “group ID”—copy this number (including the minus sign if there is one) into the Telegram Notifications field at end of Nomad Gate Community and click Save Changes

That’s it, you’ll now get future notifications in Telegram! :white_check_mark:

When you get notifications in the app, there’s a like button you can click. By replying to the notification (slide the message to the left so the notification is quoted in your reply) you will post a reply on Nomad Gate.

Like magic! :rocket:

EDIT: Here’s a screenshot of what it looks like: