Registration of promissory contract CPCV for golden visa

Under SEF, it says to register the promissory contract or CPCV if whenever “legally viable”. I have been waiting 10 months now for my application which says “under analysis”. I have not been happy with my lawyer, and I had another lawyer review the documents submitted. He said my lawyer may have missed submitting the document below, while the CPCV is not clear if the unit was legally viable. He said he wouldn’t want to take on the case because it’s problematic. Does anyone know if this could become a problem? Also can anyone recommend a lawyer in Lisbon? Mine is terrible (regularly returns emails 2 weeks later, is arrogant, doesn’t do the work, etc)

“Certificate of Land Register with the corresponding register, in case of the pre-contract agreement and whenever legally viable, the temporary register by nature”

I really like Catarina Garrett, AGPC investments