Tech startup in PT

I’m am looking to launch a tech startup in Portugal and believe it will take me about a year to two years to build up a client base sufficient to be able to hire 10 people who will work remotely to qualify for the STEM visa.
I’m hoping to try to provide a way to give back to my soon-to-be new homeland and want to offer training and benefits for workers hired, with employment contracts that require a minimum commitment period in exchange for the business fronting the training and certification costs.

Does anyone have any recent experience with tech startups in the Azores or Madeira regions, and if so, what were your biggest challenges? I own several startups in the US and am closely researching the labor law and tax requirements for hiring Portuguese workers.

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You might want to talk to the founder of this company (Thomas Berndorfer, CEO), which I believe has most of its people in Madeira:

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I did the GV via company start up. I believe you are required to have permanent contracts for the approval so that causes some issues - no fixed amount.

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