Time to issue residency card?

Hi. My residency (under the GV process) got approved mid March (2024) and my family mid April(2024) but we still have not received our cards. Anyone have insight as to how long this process is taking? We have a visit planned for early July and would really like the 7 days to count!

Have you paid? Seems they may have been lost or something, as other have been approved more recently and got them much faster. Are you certain theyโ€™re not sitting with your lawyer?

Exactly. The question is - did your pay your DUCs and when?
Second question would be - have your DUC payments gone through and reflected as โ€˜pagoโ€™ on the SEF ARI portal?

In my own experience, you may need to chase and push your lawyer/SEF/AIMA for every step of the way to be completed, not just โ€˜waitโ€™.

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To answer your actual question, my attorney received my card and card for my spouse ~4 weeks after each payment.

There are other posts noting that card issuance seems to be taking longer recently.

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On the thread Awaiting Approval Stage 4 there are a number of people who have reported their wait times. It is all over the place. Mine was 2.5 months whereas others who got the approval in the same city Lisbon, within a week of mine received theirs in 3 weeks.
It could be their process making cards in batches. It could be they toss all the approvals into a bin and someone grabs a handful at a time and sends them off to be printed. There is no telling what is going on.
As always just keep a record of all the receipts when you are there . They donโ€™t make any record of the card when you enter the country. So regardless of the physical posession of the card if the date ends up being before your arrival in Portugal. Youโ€™ll have proof you were there after the card was issued.

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