Anyone can advise on a similar status from their ARI portal? How far am I get from getting my residency card? I got to this screen after clicking on the euro sign.
Biometrics were done on January 2023 in Lisbon office.
Anyone can advise on a similar status from their ARI portal? How far am I get from getting my residency card? I got to this screen after clicking on the euro sign.
Biometrics were done on January 2023 in Lisbon office.
You are pre-approved and have done biometrics. You are waiting for final approval, and then you pay and wait for your physical cards to arrive.
We have a thread for each stage, I recommend you check there first
I have done biometrics but have not paid yet, but my screen says something totally different…?
AFAIK that page does not update after you’ve done biometrics, only when you get to final approval
Can someone provide the URL for the AIMA Portal? I have not been able to find it, including on their main website. Obrigado
I think this is supposed to be the link:
But it looks like their site is down or not working at the moment.
Anyone can advise on this status , i have seen this morning , what is it mean, i have submitted application in Aug 2023 and it was waiting for " application under analisys"
According to another forum, this seems to be the case for lots of people - speculation that it’s to do with IT updates.
Thanks Ok, I called my advocate to check, she is also suspected same System update issues.
However she will get confirmation tomorrow
I just signed on to check and mine says the same. The concerning thing is that I’m able to update information (I didn’t save any change) and the “Submit” arrow is active. Also, the icon to see my Family Unification applications of my family isn’t showing.
Really hoping this is an IT glitch.
This was just posted in another forum from a respected lawyer
“ ACTUALIZAÇÃO AIMA alterou a sua política de análise de registo online bem como de agendamento quanto às candidaturas ARI (Golden Visa) no sentido de priorizar os pedidos mais antigos e tramitar eletronicamente os pedidos de concessão.
O procedimento passará por convidar todos os requerentes e representantes legais a completarem as candidaturas a AGUARDAR ANÀLISE junto do respetivo registo online no Portal ARI, que precede o pedido de concessão de Portal autorização de residência. Para o efeito, a situação das candidaturas no referido Portal que se encontravam em estado “EM ANÁLISE” foram automaticamente colocadas no estado “AGUARDA ENVIO”, o que permite a atualização dos documentos da candidatura. Também as que estavam no estado de “ACEITE” passarão para o estado de AGUARDA ENVIO, permitindo-se assim que os processos que ainda não tenham sido formalizados no atendimento, possam proceder, também, da forma infra indicada.
A partir do momento em que for recebida uma notificação, será possível submeter novos documentos, atualizar a validade dos já submetidos e corrigir formalidades.”
AIMA changed its online registration analysis policy as well as scheduling regarding ARI (Golden Visa) applications in order to prioritize older applications and process concession requests electronically.
The procedure will involve inviting all applicants and legal representatives to complete the applications that have the status AWAIT ANALYSIS with their respective online registration on the ARI Portal, which precedes the application for granting a residence permit. For this purpose, the status of applications on the aforementioned Portal that were in the “UNDER ANALYSIS” status were automatically placed in the “WAITING TO BE SENT” status, which allows the application documents to be updated. Those that were in the “ACCEPT” status will also move to the WAITING TO BE SENT status, thus allowing processes that have not yet been formalized in the service to also proceed in the manner indicated below.
From the moment a notification is received, it will be possible to submit new documents, update the validity of those already submitted and correct formalities.”
Hope this means things will start moving again.