As a DN, tax and investments

Hi, I’ve been a digital nomad for about 6 years now. Quite successfully for about 4 years. I have also set up a company in the US, and it is run through an online agency (what I don’t like). I feel I am not realizing my full potential financially as I don’t deal with international tax law. Especially when it comes to investments, where, how much, why? It’s far too complicated a subject. But I also don’t want to pay overpriced consultants. How do you guys handle it? If I could find someone who could advise me here (paid, of course), I would be very grateful. But let me say up front, I’m not paying $1000 an hour. :slight_smile:

But you can also guide me in the right direction, where I can look into the subject in depth.

It may help guide who can assist if you confirm if you are a US Person? (Citizen or Green Card holder)
If you’re a non-US person DM me I can give you insight on how I optimise


Sorry. I forgot to mention that I’m from Austria. I just have my company in the US.