Combining IMGA AÇÕES PORTUGAL and IMGA AÇÕES America Funds for Golden Visa

I have been reviewing the requirements for the Golden Visa via investment for a while now and I understand that 1) 60% of the € 500k has to be invested in Portuguese companies and 2) Investment can be spread across multiple funds.
Considering these, is it possible to invest € 300k (60%) in IMGA AÇÕES PORTUGAL and rest € 200k in IMGA AÇÕES America?
Alternatively, what Golden Visa eligible Open ended Funds are available with 60:40 split between Portugal and US equities?
I understand that Oxy Capital’s Portugal Liquid Opportunities invests 60% in Portugal but invests rest in non-US (mostly European) equities. Is there some similar fund with 40% in US equities.

I think it’s 500k in funds that have at-least 60% invested in Portugal. I don’t think it is 300k in funds that are 100% invested in Portugal. I would consult your lawyer though.

Ali3 is correct. And in any event, IMGA Portugal only invests about 70% of funds in Portuguese companies, the rest is in cash and government bonds