It’s my first time posting a topic here. I was wondering if anyone has used an architect in Portugal that they loved, or had advice on how to find one. I’ve googled them, but I don’t know how to find someone that is “reputable.”
My family is looking for a home to buy and move permanently into. We were going the GV route but that seems dead in the water for others right now. So we are looking at the D7. Either way we need to buy a home, whether it be dilapidated or in need of only minor repairs/cosmetic changes. The architect our buyers agent recommended so that we could see some before and after projects and start nailing what we want is not very responsive so I thought I’d ask our lovely community instead.
It’s a lot more than getting an architect if you are planning to get a house remodeled since there is a plethora of permitting that has to happen. Slowness of response is a normal thing in Portugal, better get used to it. My atty went entirely dark since everything was on hold and I was thinking hmmm. they aren’t responding to emails. I think it is just a cultural thing.
This was the reason I decided the real estate route was not for me when it came to the GV.
Hello Kristina, first of all welcome to the club. A ‘reputable’ architect in Portugal - that’s the term which doesn’t exist in this country. The rules and regulations are highly localised to the particular camara de ciudad (City Hall) and the local architects do have tons of experience in dealing and navigating with the same. Having said that, if you are looking for a property to be renovated and it comes with all sorts of regulatory permit requirements and waivers.
For example, if you are planning to change the facade of the property (Sometimes almost impossible), needs years of waiting without an answer. On another hand if you are changing the roof, flooring, plumbing, electricity connections, bathroom renovations, kitchen complete makeover, even demolishing the internal walls doesn’t need any permits at all… Anything you are interested in altering the external aesthetics or dimensions does need a project to be presented to the City hall. If you are changing the windows and carrying isolation works, you need to apprise the authorities and even apply for subsidies. There are tons of ways to reduce the taxes if the property is within the ARI region and 2021 subsidy program has also been extended.