Has anyone from UK with a valid EU passport tried to get their NIF recently?

My situation:

Romanian Citizenship, therefore EU citizen.

When asking for a NIF I was told that I need to “designar um representante fiscal”, I find that a tad unrealistic ?

Any advice on how I should proceed ?

This is the full email.

Conforme é do conhecimento geral, ao abrigo do BREXIT, a partir de 1 de janeiro de 2021 o Reino Unido deixou de fazer parte da União Europeia ou do Espaço Económico Europeu, pelo que os cidadãos com residência fiscal no Reino Unido terão que, obrigatoriamente, designar um representante fiscal. Recomendamos a leitura do “BREXIT- Fim do período de transição” disponível no Portal das Finanças - BREXIT.

Para assuntos relacionados com a área tributária da Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira – AT o cidadão tem igualmente ao seu dispor a linha de atendimento da Comissão Europeia (número grátis: 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 / número tarifário normal: 308 809 128)

Para solicitar o Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF) deve o cidadão, com residência fiscal no Reino Unido, nomear um/a representante fiscal, pessoa singular ou coletiva com domicílio em território português, que deve efetuar o referido pedido no serviço eletrónico e-Balcão, disponível no Portal das Finanças - Portal das Finanças, anexando os seguintes documentos:

  • Documento de identificação civil do/a representante;

  • Procuração em conformidade com as alíneas a), c), d) e n) do artigo 46.º e n.º 1 do artigo 48.º, todos do Código do Notariado, com a menção expressa aos “Poderes Representativos” atribuídos ao representante;

  • Documento de identificação do/a cidadão estrangeiro;

  • Documento comprovativo da morada no Reino Unido…

Após a obtenção do Cartão de Residência emitido pelo Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras – SEF, deve o representante fiscal solicitar a alteração de morada no serviço eletrónico e-Balcão, disponível no Portal das Finanças, anexando os seguintes documentos:

  • Documento de identificação civil do/a representante;

  • Documento de identificação do/a cidadão estrangeiro;

  • Cartão de residência emitido pelo Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras – SEF;

  • Documento oficial onde conste a residência em Portugal.

The impression I’ve gotten from reading these forums is that EU citizens aren’t technically required to appoint a local tax representative to apply for a NIF, but consider that to be an unsubstantiated rumor.

If you want to expedite the process, you can apply using a service like nifonline that provides inexpensive tax representation (not tax services, just opening the mail and forwarding it). Then you could apply directly to be your own tax rep and specify your EU address. No guarantees, of course.

I believe the requirement for a tax representative applies when you are requesting a NIF from outside Portugal. I too used nifonline and found them reasonable in price and the process was very straightforward

I would be hesitant on using NIFonline at this time, I applied on May 4th and still have not received through their service. They do not have a direct contact number and any inquiries have been responded with “do not have expedited services”

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Update on my NIF process, I just received an email after repeated emails to them asking status saying that Finance “has terminated my provisional NIF and is in the process of assigning a permanent NIF” which will take another 7 days. My lawyer informed me that all NIFs are “provisional” since they are not issued via paper document (i.e. a social security card). It sounds like they are under water in the number of NIF requests and have fallen behind significantly and have not yet gotten to my application. If you have time on your side, use NIFonline, otherwise I would recommend another service.

I sent my PoA stuff to my chosen lawyer at the end of June. Got the NIF on 7th July. They are now doing the bank account stuff, which for a couple of reasons is slightly more complex for me
UK National

Some good news to report - I have just got my NIF from NIFonline, it was right on the dot on the 20th business day from submission, as per their advertized lead time.

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James, in case it may be helpful for you, there is a Millenium BCP office in London and they can open an account in literally 1 day. And they do not even require your Portuguese NIF for that. You would only need to bring in your UK ID, UK NIN, proof of UK address, and proof of income.

Thank you. Lawyers are starting with Novo Banco so will see where we end up, but following your advice I offered to do it myself in London… hopefully, that’s bases covered