How do you stay motivated?

How do you hold yourself accountable when you have 100 different things going on? I’ve been working remotely as a digital nomad for almost a year now and I struggle to stay focused on everything I have on my plate and it can be super frustrating. Appreciate this community!

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Stay organized (cant stress that enough) and set due dates w/ reminder on your TODOs…It’s ok when task come due to move them a day or two if needed. But if this starts to happen more often than you are not setting attainable goals and need to reassess…Also quarterly you should be evaluating your business model to stay on pace w/ a very dynamic business environment

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Thanks Jesse, really appreciate the reply here. Since it’s my own boss it’s really easy to let things slip. How do you hold yourself accountable at the end of the day?

Willpower and curiosity. At the end of the day those are the only things. I realized a few years back that I had forty more years of funds than life expectincy so I only take on jobs I want to solve.

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I understand completely, it can be hard to stay focused with so many distractions at our fingertips. I am about 10 years in to being a digital nomad and while things are much easier now I am always looking for ways to improve productivity. For me it helps to train in the morning and think about my goals for the day. I would also recommend times without the use of your phone. I recently deleted the major social media apps off my main phone and don’t touch my phone for the first 90 minutes of the day which helps.

Check out Daniel Hubermans routine here - a neuroscientist who studies just this. I have started replicating aspects of this and I find it useful. For example, he recommends getting sunlight first thing in the morning and then picking the two most important tasks of the day to start off. A physical task followed by cognitive task for 90 minute work sessions. Good luck! and if you try any of this let me know how it goes.

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