Mais Habitacao Law

Hello! My lease in Lisbon is abaout to end, and ive heard something about a Mais Habitacao law in Portugal that caps rent increase. Anyone here has info on this?

If there has been any discussions about this already or a specific page could you point me to it? Would really appreciate any help or info.


The law was approved in 2023. Portugal Golden Visa - The New Law of 2023 - #1527 by cj807. Earlier this month the PM stated that the Government’s intention was to amend the law to correct errors including forced leasing, rent freezes and “penalizing measures” for local accommodation. There has been nothing further since the PM statement on 10 April covered in the press.

Any proposed changes to the law will need Parliamentary approval, and the current Government has a slim majority. This is not to say that amendments proposed will not be approved, but that they would need to be discussed and obtain a majority favouring the amendments for the law to pass. This PM plays his cards close to his chest and there has been nothing I have seen since his earlier statement.

Here is a link to recent CCN PT article that hints the intent of the new Government to not enforce more controversial proposals of Mais Habitação like rent control (at least in some parts of the country), and forced rental of vacant properties.

Governo anuncia o seu “Mais Habitação”: não haverá “controlo do aumento das rendas”, “arrendamento coercivo” substituído por “camadas de pressão”, “privados e cooperativas” chamados para construir

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