Paypal alternative

Is there a alternative to using PayPal?
A problem would be paying on EBay. But I’m really looking for an alternative. I do use PP quite a lot.

As an end-user, you are stuck with whatever payment options are available on the site or service you are using. Therefore, if Paypal is the only option, you have no other choice.
Thankfully, there is now some more competition to Paypal.
Mastercard is now offering a service called Masterpass which works similar to Paypal. It stores your credit card and billing details for any type of credit card (e.g. Amex, Visa, Mastercard) and you just enter your Masterpass details to pay. Visa also has it’s Visa Checkout service.
Google Pay and Apple Pay are also starting to become a popular payment option on some sites.


Great to know. Thanks for the info.

There are a number of options:
Venmo is popular, Square or Swipe,
Apple Pay, Google Pay, Wepay, Payme, if you are in Asia Wechat pay is the best option. If you are in Europe there are options there. So it all depends on location and what merchants accepting.

Most prevalent what I saw were : Paypal, Wechat payments, square.


These are options available in US only…

I don’t think there’s 100% alternative to PayPal.
PayPal is still the best borderless payment solution.
There’s nothing that can truly compete with PayPal.

You can try Bitcoins but Bitcoin’s price is falling down fast now. It won’t be easy to make stable transactions…

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ThankQ will look into all. Definitely not a bitcoin fan.

ThankQ will look into the best option for me. I am in EU.

I really enjoy the Cash app, no fees and you get your money relatively quick!

Square Cash is only available in the US as well, no? Note that OP is in the EU.

Possibly. I have American bank accounts but I live in Thailand.