Dear Nomad forum readers,
I am a Portuguese national that has been moving around the world as a perpetual traveler continuously with no fixed abode, tax residency nor paying income tax for about 3 three years now, and even though I can not think of where I may be at fault – since I do not reside nor have financial ties/commitments to any country I stay in, and never exceed 3 to 5 months in any – I would like to ask if you would agree that my exact circumstances are fine, especially my relationship with a few financial institutions. As you may know, unless you are a US citizen, which I certainly am now, no taxation by citizenship applies in my case and I am registered as a non-resident with no assets in my home country.
One exception to the above regarding tax residency and income tax payment is that, a few months after leaving my home country, I stayed in Georgia (country) for 9 months, registered as an freelancer and paid the required share of my foreign earned income there. This is also when I registered my broker accounts.
I have no fixed residence, property or any financial ties to my home country, bar a bank account with 500 or so Euros, and the majority of my net-worth is cash and financial assets in the aforementioned brokers (one in the US and another in the UK, more or less $150k for passive investing in financial markets). Apart from that, I get paid 2,000-3,000€ a month for my work as a freelancer paid in a Revolut bank account, and that goes to living expenses and savings.
One matter that leaves me a little concerned is that, like I said, I opened my two broker accounts while I resided in Georgia, with a Georgian TIN (tax identification number) and have not since had a tax residency or any form of registered residency in any other country, and so, even though I get fully taxed on dividends, e.g. no tax treaty between the US and a country of residence, I fear that I may not be compliant in some form due to outdated information. There really isn’t much I can do about this since I have no updated TIN to provide. Should I be concerned about this? Would you advise me to proceed in some way that doesn’t require the obvious (acquiring permanent resident with a new TIN)? My traditional bank in my home country doesn’t seem to care nor asks any questions, but Revolut does trigger a dialog to confirm that the tax residency in the system is correct. Filling out an automatic form (that probably no one reads) explaining that I am a digital nomad with no tax residence has never raised any questions.
Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards,