On 19 April, the Portuguese Bar Association met with the Minister of Internal Administration to convey their concerns regarding the "difficulties lawyers are having in scheduling appointments at SEF”, as well as on the improvement of other protocols for assistance to those who require support from SEF in Portugal.
Today (22 April 2022) the Minister confirmed that SEF closure / transition to existing entities will be deferred - either until the end of the summer or end of the year - a postponement sine die - in order to enable a smooth transition to GNR /PSP/IJ. Adiada a extinção do Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras
The creation of the new Portuguese Agency for Migration and Asylum (APMA) to manage the administrative functions (eg authorization and processing of residency visas) is explicitly mentioned in the 2022 budget proposal, which has yet to be discussed or approved by Parliament. Broad discussions are scheduled for 28/29 April, with more detailed discussions thereafter. Votação final global do Orçamento do Estado marcada para dia 27 de maio na Assembleia da República - SIC Notícias
For ARI purposes, one conclusion is that SEF will continue with its current administrative functions until further notice (ie APMA legally created and functional).