SSTP VPN disconnects multiple times per hour?


my SSTP VPN disconnects multiple times per hour issue Windows-10-x64(home/pro), how to fix this?
I researched in net and advised to find logs of the firewall. I’m using windows firewall + Comodo firewall at the same time for increased security. I couldn’t get to know how to find this information on the logs or event-manager of windows. If anyone knows, may kindly please reply to this post?

thnx :heart_eyes:

You cannot use 2 firewalls at the same time this is 100% your problem here. Basically the firewalls hand of the connection between themselves but cannot maintain the “state” of the network connection so it drops the VPN.

Ha! I just replied to another of your posts saying that you can never be 100% sure about anything #ironic

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hiya @J_J

even if I turn one of the firewalls off, issue keep going on. ?
