What's next after Portugal?

Italy, Greece and Spain all seem like better options at this time.

Russian golden visa?

Russia’s New Golden Visa May Find Market Among “Geopolitical Hedgers” - Investment Migration Insider

Anyone dumb enough to put their money into authoritarian countries like that deserves to lose it


Only three months processing and no stay requirements! … not a sure deal?

I guess everyone knows I’m joking! Besides it would not give you any freedom of movement, quite possibly the opposite!


Actually looks like a nice program, thanks for sharing :+1:
I imagine a parallel reality where it is competing with PT GV… :cry:

We were discouraged (rather strongly) by a Spanish immigration attorney (in Barcelona) from becoming tax residents of Spain. Anyone looking at the SGV (and intending to live there) should investigate the impact of Spanish taxes on their retirement income. While tax laws could change, anyone with a US IRA or 401k should look at the impact of the Wealth Tax on retirement savings. While the worst penalties on the infamous Modelo 720 have been changed due to a ruling by the EU Court of Justice, looking at that form will give you an ideal of how the wealth tax works. This is not meant to be a complete discussion of Spanish taxes - only to point out the potential impact of the wealth tax on US retirement savings which is something that might not be expected.

On the other hand the SPV is by statute where the approval cycle is defined and it’s very short. So residency can be had without a long and difficult process. (As opposed to the 1.5-2 year process of the PGV - from application to residency card.)


I honestly don’t find the Spanish GV that attractive. For the majority of us not born in those listed countries it will take 10 years of continuous tax residence to get citizenship, and then you can’t even go dual citizen. Tax residence as above includes the dreaded wealth tax on all your assets. If you wanted to live there and go for citizenship then why not just go for one of the non-lucrative visas? Way cheaper. Spain could axe its GV too and you’ll be thrown into limbo just like now with Portugal


I honestly dont find the need to become tax resident that attractive…

The idea that stable countries would throw you out if you have permanent residency or only spend part of the year there (ie a true nomad) just doesnt have credence, so I will continue to divide my time between 3-4 countries and not bother with the need to pay tax or apply for citizenship

I don’t think it’s possible, you will need to be a tax-resident of a country.

That may depend on the country you are trying to divest tax residency from, but it certainly isnt true for many countries…Most define their own residency, not others. Even those who do demand some conditions in another country do not state you need to be tax resident there.

I can understand the concern of those with citizenship in weak or authoritarian countries but if your citizenship is in one of the G10 or even more the chances of being denied travel or overseas ownership are slim. The world is your oxyster and it is simply about caring for your money. ie being a nomad which is why I joined this site