EU bank account for Kosovo resident?

hello im from kosovo and i need help i need a bank account in germany or somewhere in europe to get some money from facebook i was trying to open in N26 but they say that Kosovo its not avaiable
can you help me to get an a bank accont ?

Have you tried TransferWise Borderless? Not sure if they support Kosovo or not. But if they don’t, you can always use Payoneer.

i tried but like other banks Kosovo its not supported , i have a payoner but my money have to received with 19 of this month and they not havent received !
what do you think about paypal !

[] They do accept non EU residents
Eur bank account to your name
Easy set up !! check this out :wink:

@sba thanks for sharing, but you should disclose that you work for/with banqia.

IMO fees seem high for what is offered.

Check Banqia revieuws first … This seems to be a very bad bank …

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