Letter from Portugal Consulate for Criminal Background Check


Has any one tried to get the Letter from Portugal Consulate to initiate Criminal Background Check in the country of your residence ? At what stage did you apply for it ? How did you go about it ?
I asked my attorney in PT if he could get the letter from SEF on my behalf using POA. But I was told SEF doesn’t issue any specific letter with your name on it, prior to any application. But to apply for GV, I need the letter from PT consulate to initiate criminal clearance record in my country of residence!

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hi Neel,
i am from india , the passport control office issues this letter here , we were not asked for any letter from SEF, but we did state why it is required
we submitted this along with all other documents after the apostille

most countries don’t need a letter from Portugal Consulate to get their criminal record. All countries are different and have their own procedures. But if you are from a country/ region that needs a request letter to get your criminal record (eg. Hong Kong), you can simply contact your nearest Portuguese consulate, and tell them the purpose. They will guide you on how to get the letter (eg. fill in a form and email them, and they will send you the request letter by email).

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