Shifting from D7 to GV

Hey all,

Let’s say I get a D7, and a year or two later realize that I can’t comply with the stay requirement, and say at that point I decide to buy property in Portugal and shift to a Golden Visa, does the clock (to PR and citizenship) reset or do I get to carry forward the time already invested via the D7?

Thanks in advance! I know this is a tough/tricky one.



I would say that you’d start from scratch

Hello, I am really curious Gufig. Mind if I ask why would the clock reset?

In order to apply for permanent residence,
Article 80 – Permanent Residence Permit – The Official Website of Portuguese Immigration
states that “Titularidade de autorização de residência temporária há pelo menos 5 anos” in order to qualify for permanent residence. So I am not sure why the time would reset?

Even for citizenship purposes,

one needs to "reside legalmente em Portugal há, pelo menos, 6 anos "(that needs to be 5 according to current legislation), not sure why the clock would reset.

Thank you.

Well, there might be a gap in the residence period there. If you are resident under D7, stop meeting the requirements and start a GV application, you might need to wait one year for your GV application to be approved. Would you still be deemed resident during this 1 year period? Not sure.

If I have a D7 and get a first residence card(which is for 1 year) and prior to my 1st renewal(which is for 2 years) and concurrently lodge a GV application(right after getting my 1st renewal) , then my understanding is that the GV will take about a year and half and until then I would still be an article 78 resident and once resident card for GV is issued, it would be GV resident from the day its approved. So no time wasted I guess.

If I were to do the above right after getting the 1st residency card, then the issue you raised might arise- would I be a deemed resident in the mean time if GV were to take more than a year?

Looking forward to your counter arguments as it helps understand better how the system works. I might be totally wrong. :slight_smile: Thank you.

Regarding D7 versus Gold Visa, with d7 i read there is a stay requirement. During COVID people on d7 must stay in restrictive and dehumanizing condition of lockdown. With the gold visa you have ability to leave Portugal for different country. this you must consider.