Tax residencies with minimal stay requirement

I am looking for a country with low taxes where i can get a tax residency but have minimal stay requirements <<6 months. Any suggestions? So far, i have found Cyprus, Malta, Andorra, BVI, bahamas, san marino, georgia. I do understand the centre of life requirements and what is needed to stop being a tax resident of my country.

You missed Portugal.
Very low stay of 7 days per year and fits your requirements nicely :sunglasses:

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If you don’t stay more than 6 months in the low tax country, then you will automatically become a tax resident of the country where you are spending more time (>6 mo).

@anon96873084 interesting statement but I am not sure you understand the scenario correctly.
Firstly, one may become and remain a tax resident in multiple countries simultaneously. The fact that one acquires a tax residency in one place, does not mean he/she loses their tax residency in any other previous place. In fact some countries make it very hard for you to ‘lose’ their tax residency. There is even a country that does not allow you to lose it at all unless you renounce their citizenship :slight_smile:
On the other hand, there are some ‘low tax’ countries that make it easier for people to keep their tax residency by not imposing a physical stay criteria. An example of one such country very popular on this forum is Portugal - zero days requirement of stay for tax residency.
Lastly, one may never stay >6months in one country during a given year, so there will be no ‘automatic’ acquisition of a tax residency occurring. E.g. some people may have a home in 4 countries, stay in each <90 days per year, spend remaining 2 weeks ‘vacation’ in a hotel somewhere else in country #5, and there you go - no ‘automatic’ acquisition of unwanted tax residency.


Yes I know these points very well as I have been a tax resident of multiple countries. I was not talking about “losing” tax residency but the fact that staying 7 days a week in Portugal will not make you a tax resident automatically. You’ll still need to pay tax wherever you are staying the most or have your primary assets like home/kids school etc. Some countries changed their laws and made sure that you have to be a tax resident in any one country to make sure you don’t become a “floating non tax Payer”.

Unless you are a tax resident of a low tax country like UAE, it’s difficult to avoid paying tax. I assumed the OP is asking a low tax country option where he/she eventually wants to become a tax resident with min stay requirement.

Well, I am not sure I understand your points.
Yes, the OP is looking for a low tax country with low stay requirements. How they are going to lose their existing ‘high tax’ residency is another matter, and I have laid out some options on how this can be done.
Definitely UAE is not the only possibility out there.

Yes that is what I am asking- looking for a country to become tax resident but with min stay- but I will not be staying in any country for more than 6 months, I will be travelling. Therefore, I will not trigger tax residency anywhere else. I believe tommy is correct about Portugal, yes staying there does not make you a tax resident, but making an investment and following all of the requirements for the golden visa does. Other countries have similar “programs” wondering if I am missing any.

A small clarification is needed here: There’s no relationship between Golden Visa and tax residency in Portugal. The way to qualify as a tax resident without any fixed minimum stay is by virtue of having a “habitual” residence there.

PwC’s tax summaries are generally a good source for finding countries that meet your requirement.


Let me clarify that the tax residency of Portugal is not hard-wired to the golden visa or any other residence permit program.
There are criteria to meet and if you meet them you can get your NIF and then register as a PT-taxpayer. So ultimately the physical stay could be zero days per year if someone wants to take it to extreme.
7 days per year is just a golden visa requirement, which yes, it can be leveraged for the taxpayer registration but like I said these things are not hard-wired.

183 Day in one calendar year is standart.

Can you share what is your country of citizenship?

Sure, canada

For you to recognized as non Canadian tax resident need to have no any connection in Canada. All carribean islands around has 183 day stay requirement so will not benefit.