Transferwise debit card PIN change disabled

I activated my Transferwise debit card, but cannot change the default PIN at ATMs in France (where I am currently), having tested at several different banks. The Transferwise website confirms that PIN changes are disabled in France.

So do I really have to go to another country to change my PIN? Understandably it can’t be done in-app, nor on the website, nor over the phone. It won’t kill me to use the default PIN, but what a weird restriction.

Yeah, that sounds like a strange restriction indeed. I’ve seen similar issues with other UK fintechs (e.g. Curve) which only allow you to change your PIN in an ATM.

I don’t think it’s Transferwise who’s blocking this in France, it’s likely that most French ATMs just don’t offer this functionality.

Sometimes when I’ve faced this issue in the past I’ve had success seeking out certain international ATMs which I would normally avoid using (such as Euronet and some others) as these may offer PIN change features, even if most domestic ATMs don’t.

did you try on the transferwise website with a VPS other that france?
I would just use default,dont risk to be blocked.

It’s not just France:

We can’t change your PIN for you, but you may be able to change it at an ATM. […] Unfortunately, PIN changes at ATMs aren’t available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore or Spain.


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It’s not possible to change a PIN online, because it has to be physically updated on the card for offline transactions.

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That’s what I was wondering. I will keep my eyes open for a Euronet machine or similar, though from looking on the map, they only seem to be located in remote places that don’t have easy access to regular banks.