Here are some findings based on the data contributions to the Excel file. Data as of 16 March 2023. It may encourage people to contribute to the database.
First, thanks to Chris’ @cj807 for listing individual information on waiting time from Biometrics to Card received for Lisbon. This inspired my interest in the data for other locations, and thereafter to examine the data in the Excel file, for which we all thank @loheiman and @jjmz. A reminder that the 211 Excel data contributors are not necessarily the same as the 52 individuals who contribute to the data on time from Biometrics to residency card(Awaiting Final Approval (Stage 4) - #331 by Onward), although there is probable overlap.
The table below provides timing of submissions in the database for 211 individuals. Even in our small database of applicants it shows the clustering of applications in Q42022 – so the clustering is likely to be magnified in the universe of all ARI applications, as our community represents a small fraction of total ARI applications, and ARI applications are a fraction of all applications for residence.
The next table shows the average time, in months, between Application and pre-approval date, by the quarter of the year in which the application was made. No surprises that most pre-approvals until Sept 2021 were within 3 months. But we see the longer times to pre-approvals for Q3 applicants and lots of missing values (zeros) for pre-approval dates for 2021Q4 and 2022:
The next table shows the results of the wait to biometrics after application submission (in months), by Application submission date. This wait includes the wait to pre-approval.
There appears to be an error in the database for an application, where the value biometrics date pre-dates the application date (Azores) and pre-approval date is not a date but 12AM. Therefore, ignore the values for 2022Q3 for Azores, until the database is corrected.
In general, the table shows what we know - the increasing waiting time (more than 1 year after 2021-Q3) to get a biometrics appointment, except for 1 person in Porto who waited 24 months and another in Coimbra who waited 18 months (unless these are database errors).
Finally, we have the ** wait from biometrics appointment to receipt of the card by date and location of Biometrics ** – only for the 16 who received a card, after the biometrics appointment.
The rest of the 54 who had biometrics are still waiting for their cards, as indicated in the table below.
Happy to communicate with @loheiman and @jjmz, as needed, on apparent database errors.