Biometric Appointments - how are they scheduled

Can someone tell me how the process for scheduling biometrics works? Our GV applications are in (since Apr 2023), and we are awaiting word about the next steps. Whenever we come up in the queue, what can I expect, especially regarding the biometrics appointments (me, wife, daughter)? Do they just assign an appointment date? Or, do we get to pick a date?

If they assign a date, how far out is it typically from the time they give us notice? If we pick a date, how does that work? How wide is the window, and how far out? Will all three of us likely be able to attend together? (My application was Mar 2023, wife and daughter in Apr 2023.)

I’m hoping 2025 is the year we get to the top of the list and we are trying to anticipate and plan our year around when we might need to be in Portugal for the appointments.

I have asked our attorney these questions, but she is non-committal and often invokes generalizations about how the process is not always the same for everyone, and that the system has changed dramatically in recent months, and there is no telling how it’s going to be for us. I just want to hear from people who have had their biometrics scheduled recently and how the scheduling process worked. Thanks.

Have you (or lawyer) uploaded updated documents per AIMA’s email request?

  • If you have, just roll with the punches and don’t plan things around AIMA’s promises. They’ll just notify you the date(s), then you do everything in your power to make it, or you can’t. If the latter happens, there will be extra work to show it’s not your fault, and rescheduled appointment won’t happen until months later. [Disclaimer: this is what AIMA said how appointments would work, which your lawyer should have communicated to you. No one on this forum has reported any first hand experience to confirm or disprove.]
  • If you don’t know what I’m talking about, search for “AIMA new GV process” on this forum.
  • If your lawyer did not receive the email asking for updated documents, then that requires action, as others mentioned in that thread. If your lawyer did not inform you of the new process or missed the email, then probably a good idea to not award this lawyer with additional business.

Good luck and stay strong!

A basic search of this forum will find you answers like this:

Thanks, I appreciate it. I did see those posts, but neither of those threads answer my main question about HOW (not when) the biometrics appointment is scheduled. I’m curious to know the mechanics around how you get to an actual date. I.e. is an actual date/time just assigned by AIMA, or do we get to pick a date/time.

Thanks. We are aware of the new process. I’m interested in the HOW of getting a biometrics date/time scheduled. Is it just assigned by AIMA, or is some sort of choice offered?

This is what AIMA told people. :joy: No choice apparently.

Assigned. And each individual in your family will get their own appointment, not necessarily at the same time or place as yours.
Many examples of families with appointments in cities 200 kilometers apart, at the same time and day. Or appointments separated by months and locations.
My spouse and I were notified in late November of appointments in the first week of January. My parent was notified in June of appointment in second week of July. That was an expensive scramble to make high season, last-minute travel plans.

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At least my spouse and I were assigned the same date and location. But otherwise totally arbitrary, a thousand kilometres from where we applied and expensive to accommodate. But Bios appointments are precious and you do not want to miss them (see my earlier post above).

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This is very helpful. Thank you!

For what it’s worth, following the old process, we did our biometrics in Dec 2024. We were given a fixed date and location - take it or leave it situation - we could not pick the date, time or location. But luckily it was the same for both me and my husband - probably because our application was submitted at the same time - and we went through Henley, so their lawyer and associates organized everything beautifully for us and kept us well informed.

We were given the date 3 months beforehand - so it was a bit of a scramble getting all the documents. However, Henley repeatedly told us that the important thing was to make the appointment, any missing documents could be submitted later. Of course, that is a moot point since you are likely resubmitting your documents in advance of the biometrics appointment.

We also luckily already had a Schengen visa - unless you don’t need one, that’s another thing to worry about, and might be worth getting in advance.

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