Has anyone on this forum completed the Portugal Golden Visa process and obtained citizenship?

I have started the process, but haven’t yet funded investment or signed legal documents. Looking for anyone who has actually completed the process.

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At least 1 person was applying last November: SEF documentation for residency extensions counting towards 5-year citizenship timeline). I had not seen any others reaching the 5- year stage until then. Another relevant link: Requirements, fees and other concerns of getting PR or Citizenship After GV?.

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Since this is largely a forum for commiserating about SEF being slow, I imagine anyone who gets to the finish line never comes back!


It’ll be a happy day when I no longer have a reason to come back!


I hope I never see you again!


I purchased my apartment in Lisbon in May 2018 and my daughters and I had our first biometrics appointment in Porto in August 2018, and received the 1-year Residency Visas in April 2019 (the first visa was later changed to a 2-year visa), which started my 5-year timeline to be able to apply for citizenship. We had our second biometrics appointment in Porto in March 2020 (the actual day before the State of Emergency was declared and the offices shut down) and received our 2-year Residency Visas in October 2020. These visas expired in 2022, and we had difficulty getting another appointment, but my attorneys were on the ball and submitted our applications electronically when that window opened in January, and I received my 3rd Residency Visa valid through February 2025 a month ago, without any in-person appointment . So, I am eligible to apply for citizenship in April 2024, and it is my understanding that the only hurdle is passing the A2 Portuguese test (You have to score a 55 out of 100 to pass btw). After I get citizenship, then my daughters can apply, but they have to pass the A2 Portuguese test as well, which was not clear to me when this process started. So, we are all studying Portuguese and I am optimistic that I will have my citizenship by the end of 2024, and my daughters by the end of 2025. I will update this response if I encounter any problems, and report back with the timeline when I have my Portuguese passport in hand!


Congratulations to you and your daughters, Craig! Very glad for you and others that there was the opportunity of reducing angst via the online procedures opening up this January. One journey accomplished. Good luck now on the language voyage! :crossed_fingers:


Is the A2 test applicable to minors ?

Yes… children under 10 have an adapted version

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For citizenship, the legislation doesn’t say anything about minors needing A2, it just says they need to demonstrate a “connection to Portugal”. Presumably the lawyers think passing A2 will help with that. But there is no guarantee.

If the minors want Permanent Residence, I think then the law says A2 is required (and there is no general requirement for “connection to Portugal”).




It is my understanding that all applicants for Portuguese citizenship, including children, have to pass an A2 language test. Children aged under 10 can take an adapted version of the test. Children between the ages of 10 to 18 can be exempt from the test only if they attend a Portuguese school or obtain a declaration of proficiency.

As far as the “connection to Portugal” requirement, I asked my attorney if I should be preparing evidence of my connection to Portugal to submit with the citizenship application and he said “Regarding the ‘effective connection,’ this will not be required. Do not worry because this was clarified along the way and this is not a requirement under the Golden Visa program.”

It is my understanding that the requirements to obtain Portuguese citizenship through the GV program are:
(1) Clean criminal record certificate;
(2) Valid Portuguese residence permit;
(3) No unpaid taxes in Portugal;
(4) Proof of passed Portuguese language test (CIPLE); and
(5) Document from SEF to prove that you have been a “resident” in Portugal for at least five years (5 years since your initial Residency Visa was issued and sufficient proof that you spent at least 7 days in Portugal per year)


Naturalization based on 5 years residence does require the CIPLE, but is only available to people 18 or older: Como obter a nacionalidade portuguesa

Children under 18 cannot naturalize themselves, but can acquire citizenship by declaration after a parent naturalizes. But this requires proving a connection to Portugal. There is no mention of passing the CIPLE: https://justica.gov.pt/Como-obter-nacionalidade-portuguesa/Tem-menos-de-18-anos-ou-e-incapaz-e-nasceu-antes-de-a-sua-mae-ou-o-seu-pai-adquirir-a-nacionalidade-portuguesa


Do you think you need all three as a minor?

The effective connection to the Portuguese community is automatically recognized if, when making the request, the minor or incapacitated person:

  • have been legally resident in Portugal for 5 years
  • is registered with Finance and the National Health System (or regional health services)
  • prove that you are studying in Portugal (if you are under 18).

The last one concerns me as most golden visa applicants are not living in portugal, hence they won’t be studying. Maybe there is another way to prove connection?

I’m also curious, what is the modified version of the language test for minors? Anyone got a link?

Children take an adapted exam, if they are not studying in Portugal (or lusophone country) and are not exempt unless they are in a school in Portugal or can prove fluency through an adapted exam or are below schooling age.
Tests (adults or children) can be taken in cities in other countries as well as Portugal (Australia, Switzerland, France, Canada, US etc. See this link:Inscrição no exame - Centro de Avaliação de Português Língua Estrangeira). The exam for kids (12-15 years old) is called TEJO: TEJO - Centro de Avaliação de Português Língua Estrangeira - and is adapted to the age/language competence of the child.


Very interesting, thank you for the links… what about for kids under the age of 12?

In the link I gave on TEJO, it says (in Portuguese) “O Teste de Português para Jovens (TEJO) é um exame progressivo, de A1 a B1, que avalia as competências em Português Língua Estrangeira de crianças entre os 9 e os 11 anos. É aplicado apenas no Liceu Francês de Lisboa, sob protocolo.” Which means that the younger ages have a progressive exam from A1 to B1, to evaluate their competence in Portuguese as a foreign language for children between 9 and 11 years. It is evaluated ONLY (apenas) in the Liceu Francês (French Lyceum) of Lisbon (link here for the school: https://lfcl-lisbonne.eu/) which is very close to Amoreiras shopping centre.


@craig2 This is great! Congrats of completing a major part of the path that leads to the Portuguese citizenship. Are your children going to be minors when they apply for a citizenship? Is the A2 Portuguese test required even for minors (less than 16)?

This is interesting! Does anybody know if there are online Portuguese courses for English-speaking children under 10?

Here is a link on what is necessary to obtain Portuguese citizenship. Como obter a nacionalidade portuguesa. Already posted above.
Midway down the page you will find Documentos necessários and in the second section below that entitled " Um documento que prove que conhece suficientemente a língua portuguesa. Esse documento pode ser: Which means the applicant for naturalisation needs a document that proves he/she knows the portuguese language sufficiently. The proof can be: a certificate from a public school or other recognised exam certificates of the language. People who apply from lusophone countries are exempt. It is stated that if the applicant cannot read or write (illiterate or too young) “o teste de conhecimentos da língua portuguesa tem de ser adaptado à sua capacidade para demonstrar que conhece a língua.” That is, an adapted test will be used. They do not go further into what these adapted tests are, but communicating with the Liceu Francês will probably be the only way to find out more about the adapted tests for a child of 10 or below.
In all EU countries it is a requirement that people are able to communicate at a basic level in the national language before being given citizenship. It increases the prospects for integration.
Some useful information here also: Portuguese Citizenship application after 5 years of Golden Visa
I should have mentioned that there are a number of youtube courses for kids, and several teachers on italki have one-on-one classes (& group classes).
Here is a link for young children at the Institute Camoes: https://www.instituto-camoes.pt/en/activity-camoes/what-we-do/learn-portuguese/elearning/children-and-young-learners