Italy first announced plans for a digital nomad visa in 2022, but the much-anticipated permit subsequently seemed to vanish into thin air. There was widespread excitement in certain circles earlier this week at the news that Italy was bringing in a visa that would allow remote workers from outside the EU to move the country. The digital nomad visa was announced by an implementing decree published in the Official Gazette on April 4th. (Text here: Gazzetta Ufficiale )
The law states that to be eligible for the scheme, workers must have an annual income of no less than three times the minimum amount that would exempt them from paying for healthcare - according to financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, that amounts to just under €28,000 per year. Applicants must also have valid health insurance for the duration of their stay, and must provide evidence that they have performed the work they intend to carry out in Italy for at least six months prior to arriving in the country. (The applicant must provide either a contract from an employer or a ‘collaboration contract’, along with an identification document, and demonstrate that they have accommodation in Italy.) The visa is valid for one year in the first instance, and can be renewed on an annual basis.
If I see further details, I’ll post here.
A few additional details:
this new visa is meant for freelancers, self-employed digital nomads and remote employees on a company payroll. While the implementing decree does not specify particular types of employment, applicants must have a degree or professional qualification: applicants must prove they have a university or college degree (minimum 3 years) from an accredited institution, an accredited professional license, or accredited superior professional experience.
Income requirement: the law states that to be eligible, workers must have an annual income of no less than three times the minimum amount that would exempt them from paying for healthcare, which is equal to just under € 28,000 per year. This can include income from any source, for example, rental income, corporate dividends, etc. NB. Each Italian Consulate will apply its own interpretation about qualifying sources of income and might require a higher amount as well.
To apply, you’ll need to book an in-person appointment at an Italian consulate in your home country and obtain the correct visa application form for that consulate. (Note that some Italian diplomatic operations have very strict territorial boundaries for their jurisdiction, so be sure you apply at the correct consulate for your home address.)
Cost: The visa application fee is 116 euros per person. Some consulates accept cash and even local currency. In most cases, they ask for a money order payable to the Consulate of Italy. Timeframe: possibly a minimum of 4-5 months for the entire process, which includes the 3 months, by law, that the consulate has to get back to you about whether your visa has been approved.