I purchased the domain nomad.email a little while ago, and I figured I would create a simple email forwarding service for the Nomad Gate community.
While I haven’t decided how much (if anything) to charge for the service in the future, anyone who joins the beta will get to keep their address free of charge.
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Hey @Blonde — end to end encrypted email would only work between users of the same email provider (like Protonmail) or if users manage their own PGP keys. There’s no point in trying to compete with that—there are already good solutions for that on the market.
This is a simple forwarding service. The emails aren’t stored long term (just a few seconds for processing), and are encrypted while being processed on the server. The provider I use for this is based in Switzerland , servers there etc. They delete logs hourly. As far as a forwarding service goes, I think that’s pretty much as privacy minded you’ll find